Hearing Evaluation

Complete Hearing Evaluations Include:


Hearing History
A thorough look at the timeline of your hearing health.


Middle Ear Test
The Tympanogram uses air to test the function of your eardrum. 


Word Understanding
A test to find how clearly you can understand words.


Visual Exam - Otoscopy
Your family doctor has one of these things, too.


Hearing Test
You will receive a complete Pure Air and Bone Conduction test, including all speech testing and speech in noise testing.


Speech In Noise Testing
If background noise bothers you, this test helps tell us how it affects you and how we can help!






  • The evaluation will last about 45-60 minutes in length. This will allow time for discussion with the audiologist to review test results and ask questions.

  • If the results indicate you need hearing aids, options specific to your needs will be discussed.

  • It is recommended that you bring a family member with you to the evaluation appointment. Most audiologists agree that hearing loss is a family issue. It helps to have another supportive person at the appointment to help you understand the information and recommendations.

  • Before your appointment, a medical history will be completed and the audiologist will want to hear about any complaints you have about your hearing. They will pay special attention to any concerns you have about exposure to noise, tinnitus and balance problems. Make sure that you take a full list of any medications and supplements you are taking with you to your appointment.

  • The diagnostic audiologic evaluation is a good chance to establish a relationship with your audiologist. Above all, don’t be afraid to ask questions! You will want to be clear on any information you receive so that you can be an active participant in finding hearing solutions that work best for you and your lifestyle.